


How-to-win Limited Edition Carlsberg 3Litre Bottle CNY 2020 限量版春节巨型三公升 Carlsberg 瓶装酒庆新年

这个2020农历新年,马来西亚 Carlsberg 大搞作推出限量版3公升 CARLSBERG酒瓶 欢庆这“双饮双赢” Double Prosperity Double Rewards。凡在 12 月 16 日至明年 2 月 9 日,在全国所有参与的销售处盛大购买马来西亚 Carlsberg 旗下品牌产品,就可以轻轻松松把全马限量2000 大支的春节巨型三公升 Carlsberg 瓶装酒带回家,于亲朋戚友一起畅饮。 To usher Chinese New Year in the year 2020, Carlsberg launches its nationwide CNY campaign “Double Cheers. Double Winnings. From now till 9 Feb 2020, stand a chance to be rewarded with a limited-edition gigantic 3-litre Carlsberg bottle, a 3-in-1 Carlsberg Smart Mini Bar with built-in fridge, speaker and charger, premium-designed stem glass and more!

免费喝一年 Subang SS15 奶茶街 @ 品茶Pin Tea / 鹿角巷 The Alley / 熊黑堂 DABOBA

好消息!好消息!奶茶控的你走过路过千万别错过!现在马上让你免费在 Subang SS15 奶茶街 免费喝上一年奶茶!品茶Pin Tea / 鹿角巷 The Alley / 熊黑堂 DABOBA 都有份哦!Hong Leong Bank 丰隆银行推出「 #hlbdigitalday2019 银行数码日2019」活动,以无现金(cashless)让用户更简单方便购物便利。

Texas Chicken 全新 RM5.50 香脆套餐 Value-For-Money New Crunchy Deals

什么?! 一个套餐只需要 RM5.50, 真的假的?!这个七月,Texas Chicken 推出全新香脆套餐,每份只需要RM5.50,还有四种选择任你点。小编多米约定你,大吉大利,今晚吃鸡!

Fuego at Troika Sky Dining 吉隆坡夜景餐厅 U.S Potatoes Culinary Menu 美国马铃薯烹饪菜单 @ KLCC

U.S Potatoes Culinary Festival 2018 美国马铃薯烹饪嘉年华 的第二站,小编多米带大家来到 位于吉隆坡市中心的 23 层高的顶楼露天西班牙式餐厅,品尝美国薯条的美味佳肴。在其名单里,Fuego at Troika Sky Dining 可是小编多米非常期待前往品尝的一家,早已闻名它的环境和厨艺都属于非常棒的。这次的到来有会给小编多米带来什么惊喜呢~!

ENTERTAINER 手机应用程序 Apps 2018 Launching NOW!

时间过得很快,又来到了年尾。ENTERTAINER 手机应用程序以迫不及待宣布2018年最新产品及促销呢!现在购买2018除了免费附加产品外,还以不可能的价格购买得到哦! Time flies fast and now end of year 2017 is fast approaching.  My personal favourite reward/ discount mobile application "ENTERTAINER" is launching its latest 2018 products with better saving and more offers. For a limited time period, customers can save up to RM240 off the regular price on the 2018 products. Apart from that, you’ll also immediately get to unlock 2017 offers so you can start saving right away!

Watsons 屈臣氏 VIP Card Syok Sale 会员卡7周年庆 促销 2017

Watsons VIP会员卡7周年咯!这个9月份Watsons  屈臣氏为VIP Card会员们准备了一系列特价优惠。另外如果你在路上遇见印有Watsons 屈臣氏宣传的 Grab 车辆,别忘了抓紧时机拍照上传,因为你将有机会赢取可观的Watsons VIP卡积分!假设你还未申请Watsons VIP会员卡,明天就去申请吧!

鬼娃 Annabelle 安娜貝爾| 席卷雪隆多地 -行程曝光!

在过去的两天里,【鬼娃 Annabelle 安娜貝爾】洗版脸书各大专业,就连报章都大肆报道呢!对,就是农历7月鬼节来临,各戏院将会这8月份上映各地恐怖片。就连好莱坞巨星鬼娃 Annabelle 安娜貝爾也即将上影,现已在全马各地“飘”透透。

Event: Dashing MCFC Limited Edition launch

Dashing & Manchester City Football Club have been partners for almost a year and after creating some exciting footballing experiences last season are proud to launch a new collection of EDTs, Deodorants and Rolls Ons to provide truly world class fragrance experience to every Malaysian sports fan.

Event: OPPO Roadshow Promotion in Mid Valley Megamall

The first roadshow for OPPO R7 Series is taking place at Mid Valley Megamall from 2nd September 2015 to 6th September 2015. The entire family members of R7 series (which include R7 Plus, R7 and R7 Lite) is available for purchase at the booth in Mid Valley Megamall.

Lifestyle: 八月份马来西亚IT Fair科技展卷土重来- ITB Hard Disk RM99, 8GB Pendrive RM1, Kaspersky Antivirus RM19.90

马来西亚 IT Fair 一年两度的科技展将在八月份,再次于 Mid Valley Exhibition Centre 举办。 这次的科技展别与以往的是,大会开启了全马首创的商业展览厅 TECHBIZ 。这让平时浏览科技展的您能够增广见闻。此外, TECHBIZ 商业展览也将吸引大批商家出席此科技展。

Press Release: Sunway Lagoon Chinese New Year Exciting "Goat" Promotions

A new year has dawned upon us and Sunway Lagoon has ushered in 2015 with open arms, with enticing promotions for the whole family to enjoy. There’s something for everyone, from senior citizens to those celebrating their birthdays. Visitors can also continue to enjoy Malaysia’s premier theme park’s Quacktastic promotion on selected Tuesdays, among other attractions that await them in the near future.

Sunway Lagoon Great Deals till End of Year

There are even more great reasons now to visit Sunway Lagoon with friends and family, thanks to enticing promotions from Malaysia’s premier theme park to last till the end of the year. There is something for everyone - including senior citizens, visitors celebrating their birthdays or simply anybody visiting the park on the first Tuesday of the month.

Samsung Galaxy Life Free Boost Juice Review

After a cup Free Starbucks Frappuccino for Samsung Galaxy Life Users, now is back with more SURPIRSING TREATS! This time, they giving you healthy treat from Boost Juice!

Samsung Galaxy Life User Benefits

To recap , Samsung Galaxy Life is an application special for Samsung Mobile users. This application providing all kind of promotion and benefits to Samsung Mobile fans. On April 2014, they started free benefits with cooperation with Living Social at selected Starbucks store. The events hits a success and within weeks they again providing Baskin Robin for Free. This time, Samsung Galaxy Life will again benefit their fans with a cup of Free Caramel Ribbon Crunch or Banana Caramel Cream Frappuccino at ALL STORES except Genting stores.

Starbucks Say Yes Half Price Frappuccino Review

Starbucks is bringing back their 50% off Frappuccino Happy Hour until 30 th May from 5 to 7 pm every Friday. Say Yes with your Starbucks card and you are entitle for this promotion. This promotion included ALL Frappuccino beverages in ALL sizes.

Free Starbucks Toffee Nut beverages for 8TV fans

Starbucks Malaysia is offer promotion for 8tv fans on every weekend start from 7 Dec to 22 Dec. The promotion will start on time at 3pm to 4pm with gorgeous and handsome 8tv hosts.

Global Domino's Week Promotion

Domino's Pizza is inviting the world to join in on the recognized world leader in pizza delivery's largest ever week long promotion, Global Domino's Week, which is underway today. A total of 42 countries will help celebrate the third annual global celebration by promoting 50 percent off menu-priced pizza via online. The number of participating countries has more than doubled from the 19 countries that participated in Domino's first-ever global event in 2011.

1000 View In A Month

Sharing is Caring, blog reach one thousand viewer in a month. We really appreciate for all your support and now we are giving out some vouchers.