
Event: Techbiz B2B Platform @ Malaysia IT Fair Aug 2015

Malaysia IT Fair (MITF) is the leading and most attended IT Exhibition in Malaysia organized by Unified Distribution Technology Sdn Bhd (UDT). They invited Yang Berhormat Dato’ Jailani Bin Johari, the Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia to officiate the opening of Techbiz@MITFMAMPU also participate in Techbiz as their platform to educate and share the many great developments they have created for the Malaysia government and business communities and general public.  

TechBiz@MITF is the first ever large scale business-to-business event to be held in Malaysia which comprises of business platform, seminar and exhibitions. Malaysia IT Fair occupies over 60,000 square feet of exhibition space, has over 80 global brands showcasing business products, solutions and services. TechBiz@MITF is providing free essential trending IT seminars covering network security, virtualization, SME topics to public.  

With the increasing new technologies and acceleration of business pace and competitiveness, organizer saw the need to host an exhibition where all vendors and business owners, chief executives and IT managers to come together and be introduced to the latest Business IT Solutions. TECHBIZ provide public the avenue to strategize and leverage on such new technologies to further their productivity and competitiveness. This is a place where it is everything about business IT solutions.  

Lastly, don’t forget to attend their FREE entry seminar session with need-fulfilling topics that are up-to-date. Myteksi co-founder, Aaron Gill will also have his speak at one of the seminar session. Check the speaker and schedule at the http://malaysiaitfair.com.my/TechBiz/

For more information: www.facebook.com/malaysiaitfair


  1. Very very good experience for me attending this fair for first time! Malaysia IT fair is a great deal.

    Kolin zainal

  2. Great to have the newly launched Kapersky. No more worries on the virus anymore and the seminars were really informative. Thumbs up to Malaysia IT Fair.

  3. This was truly an eye opening experience and I got myself pretty great deals!!!! Happy girl.. Want more mitf




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