
Lifestyle: IPC Shopping Mall Squeaky Dino Land

Be amazed by the one of a kind balloon sculptures while discovering mind blowing facts about the ferocious tyrannosaures rex, enormous diplodocus, flying reptitles and many more. IPC Shopping Mall present you a unique Squeaky Dino Land form up by more than 1800 piece balloons at its concourse area.

During the past weeks mid-year school holiday, IPC Shopping Mall turn its concourse area into mini Jurassic Park in very cute version. I would say no people don’t like balloon and dinosaur, especially kids. My first seen of Squeaky Dino Land is can’t resist the cuteness and a big Wow for the master art of balloon.

There will be few activities going on such as DIY Paper Dinosaur Hat, Jr. Paleontogist Workshop, Hatching Dino Arts & Craft, Face Painting and Scavenger Hunt. Apart from that, you can also participate in kids Dino-Sketch and Dino-Video Contest open for all.

This balloon dinosaur land will kicking off from11th to 21st June. Don’t miss the opportunity to see yourself the Squeaky Dino Land.

For more information: www.ipc.com.my



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