
Candle Pit Stop Waxbitz Review

To RECAP, Candle Pit Stop is the first provide sand form scented candle to Malaysian. Waxbitz had trademarked as their brand and become their signature. From mug, cup, bowl, muffin pan to wine glass, as long container can fluid with liquid, the Waxbitz can be light up with it.

With totally eco-friendly and made from 100% vegetable wax, making it burn well and safe with no chemical releasing soot. Up to 10 flavour of Waxbitz, customer can mix and match according to their preference. Simply by break up the left over candle and re-use again.

Thanks to Candle Pit Stop owner, Julia Jules Wan sponsoring Waxbitz for all bloggers. All bloggers are able mix and create their flavour and named it as creative as possible. All participation will stand a chance to win the “flaming pot of the month” with Candle Pit Stop trading cards.

If you still have no ideas how Waxbitz work, now here is some steps for you to follow. First things you need is Waxbitz from Candle Pit Stop priced at RM12.50 for 100g, RM23.50 for 200g, RM34.50 for 300g, RM45.50 for 400g and RM49.50 for 500g. Others necessary item are wick, container for the candle and of course a lighter. 

Then, you must clean and dry up the container. Follow up with put in the wick and full it up with Waxbitz from Candle Pit Stop. Now light it up and time to enjoy the scented aroma of Waxbitz. Here a note for everyone, please turn fire off when you are not around. It is for safety purpose. By breaking up the left over candle, you can create a new candle again.

Incoming February 14th 2015, Candle Pit Stop will be at the SCORE CUPID DASH RUN held at Kepong Metropolitan Park. They will be showcasing their products in the constructed LOVERs BRIDGE. Runner will walk thru the bridge with their scents, and imagine the light it will create. On top of that, Candle Pit Stop will be creating a special scent for that event which you can guess on the SCORE CUPID DASH RUN FB. https://www.facebook.com/scorerun?fref=photo



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