
Run For Love- The Score Cupid Dash 2015

After the successful Score Run in 2014 comes another exciting run event by SCORE called The Score Cupid Dash 2015. This is a 3.5km fun run open to all Malaysians aged 16 and above and it will be held at the Kepong Metropolitan Park on 14 February 2015, starting at 7.00am.

The Score Cupid Dash encourages more Malaysians to take up running, as it will give participants surprises along the 3.5km route and allow them to have fun along the way. We are expecting 6,000 runners at this event who will be joining with their loved ones such as best friends, running buddies, spouses, partners, parents or children.

Early birds registration begins on 17 October 2014 until 31 October 2015. Runners are entitled to get a special discounted rate at RM70.

The normal registration period starts from 1 November 2014 until 18 January 2015 priced at RM75. Every participant will receive an entry pack, race t-shirt and finisher medal that is uniquely designed.

P/S: Latest update on 12/8/14



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