
Charity Treasure Walk-a-Hunt - All Women’s Action Society

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) will be holding it’s 9th Charity Treasure Walk-a-Hunt this year! This event is aimed at raising public awareness on issues of violence against women and women's rights in Malaysia. Through this event, AWAM hopes to garner more support from the public in advocating for a non-violent and non-discriminatory community. In addition, AWAM hopes that the event will raise funds for AWAM to sustain its programmes.

“Team Up for A Difference” is the selected theme of the 9th Charity Treasure Walk-a-Hunt.  It will be held on the 10th of August 2014 (Sunday) at Tropicana City Mall, Petaling Jaya. The event is an excellent opportunity for members of the public to spend a day of fun together with their family and friends, and contribute back to society. Participants stand a chance to win exciting prizes, including a 4-day-3-night Krabi-Phuket cruise (for two persons) aboard the Superstar Libra.

Public are urged to sign up for this charity event as a gesture of supporting gender equality. Simply by create your own team of 2 to 4 individuals, register and send your payment of RM60/pax to AWAM office. Sign up and show your support today and help to make a difference on many sexual abuse victims!”

Entry forms can be downloaded via AWAM’s website (www.awam.org.my).

For more information: www.facebook.com/AWAMMalaysia



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