来到【旅游大马 之 兰卡威】站的第二天,一大清早就被迫起身漱洗,准备在海上奔放。首次面对Jet Ski 的一行人还没出发前异常兴奋,但一出发便显得有点焦虑不安,都不敢开太快。最后大家被领队教练训导一番后,逐渐适应起来。
The second day of Cuti-cuti Malaysia Langkawi was full with adrenaline rush. Depart to beach early in the morning to get ourself ready, warm up and briefing before the fast and furious start. The four hours island hopping was hot and sexy. Do prep yourself with sunscreen cream and drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.
别以为男生都是猛虎,原来我家小女子 Celine Chong Lee Yan & Serene Khoo 是女汉子呢!
海上狂飙车 像“疯”一样的男孩
Mega Water Sports
4hours island hopping jet ski tour
2 pax on 1 jet ski- RM850
1pax on 1jet ski- RM722
訂購:+60 12-590 9975 Jordan