
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) Ramadan Buffet 2016

In the hectic lifestyle of our beloved country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, people will look forward to the meal that can satisfy their hunger while relieving them from stress. Moreover, lots of Muslim will be having their puasa during this Ramadan period. People are looking forward to the meal they are having for their buka puasa.  “Kampung in the City” Ramadan event will be able to allow Ramadan guests to experience a “home away from home” at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). This Ramadan event is one of the best dinign experience which you can find in Kuala Lumpur.

Due to its location, Ramadan guests will be having no difficulties to comfortably perform their religious responsibilities before breaking fast at KLCC. Muslim guests can enjoy their Ramadan meal without worries since all five kitchens including Chinese, Western, Cold, Pastry and Malay, are certified halal by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

Ramadan this year will be featuring a new Kampung favourites such as the signature dishes of Mee Gulung dengan Kuah Kari and “Sawang Telur”; rice noodles served with curry and topped with crispy egg. Lots of other traditional yet authentic dishes such as Masak Lemak Tempoyak Asam belimbing Ikan Patin and Rendang Ayam Kampung Seri Menanti will be also provided to satisfy the craving of guests after a whole day long of puasa.

People are recommended to look forward on the crowd-pleasing ‘Chef Action Station’ where local favourites from other races is served. Contemporary and international choices for guests are also offered in both private and public buka puasa menus.

‘Goreng-gorengan’ station and ‘Ice Cool’ station can conclude the Ramadan feast with the deep-fried treats and Ais Batu Campur (ABC).

The fame of being one of the best Ramadan event make the sitting for this ‘Kampung in the City’ limited to 250 pax. Publics who are interested can make reservations at the price of RM115 per person. Private buka puasa banquets for100 pax can be booked with the price ranges from RM115 for the delectable Ramadan Al-Mubarak menu to RM 157.41 per person for the exquisite Ramadan Al-Kareem menu where both of these menus can be personalised.

Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
Email: info@klccconventioncentre.com
Phone: +603-23332866 or +60323332877



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