
The Real Kids Happy Meal by Malaysia's Instagramer

Pretty Malaysian mother, Samantha Lee became famous after her postings of her kid's meal to her Instagram account. She is a very creative mother who turned the meals she prepared for her kids into creatively-styled plates. Her two young daughters are her inspirations to add a pinch of creativity on their meals so that they will finish their meals. She has acquired over 297, 000 follower on Instagram and she has also published how-to videos on her blog, EatzyBitzy.

“I've never been to any cooking class or training before. I'm a very ordinary stay-at-home mom,” she told Today.com. 'I didn't expect it to grow so much. I'm thankful for what that is happening to me at the moment.”

Each dish takes about an hour-and-a-half to create, and uses relatively simple tools, such as scissors and toothpicks, to bring her ideas to life.

Samantha Lee’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/leesamantha

Samantha Lee’s Blog: http://www.eatzybitzy.com/

Samantha Lee’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamleesamantha



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