
Red Bull Monkey Run 2013

Being watch American Game Show, Wipeout for years but never have a chance to do it. Is time for you to move your body.  RedBull proudly present you, RedBull Monkey Run 2013 on 28Oct to 1Dec at University Malaya.  

RedBull Monkey Run is a Malaysia inter-college versions of Wipeout. It's opens for all college students in Malaysia. The registration only cost RM15 and you will get goodies worth more than RM60. They only accept first 200 participants per day during 28Oct to 30Oct. The semi-final will be on 31Oct and 1Nov is the Grand Final. The winners will get total RM22,000 in cash for scholarships.

The details of this competition are as follows
Date      : 28 Oct – 1st Nov
Time      : 10am – 6pm
Venue  : Sports Faculty, University Malaya PJ
Fees      : RM15*

Prizes for each category:
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Male Open
RM 5,000
RM 3,000
RM 2,000
Female Open
RM 5,000
RM 3,000
RM 2,000
University Trophy will be awarded to the 1st Place winners’ college/university for each category.

What you waiting for? Join now be part of the lucky 200 participants to experience the events of lifetime.


For more information: https://www.facebook.com/RedBullMonkeyRun



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割包皮在上一代 Malaysia 马来西亚华人圈是一个难以启齿的话题。“你娶马来妹要割包皮”,“你割包皮要做马来人啊!” ,“发肤受之父母,不要乱来”。但随着网络开放让人接受度大增,越来越多 Malaysia 马来西亚华人家长和年轻人都选择去割包皮,小编多米也不例外。现在割包皮不再是用巴冷刀的年代了,这次将介绍的是最先进,零出血,零缝针,15分钟快速完成的 ZSR Circumcision Stapler 男生割包皮-包皮环切吻合器。

KL区 男生割包皮诊所 ZSR Circumcision Stapler Clinic List 包皮环切吻合器 | 男生保健

马来西亚 KL PJ 一带哪里有得割包皮?包皮不懂要去那里割?哪个医生比较可靠?小编将帮大家总结 Malaysia  KL区 男生割包皮诊所名单(排名不分先后),而且这些诊所都是有提供小编之前介绍的 包皮环切吻合器 (包皮枪)的割包皮服务哦!Compilation ZSR Circumcision Sunat Stapler Clinic list in Klang Valley 。

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